The Zoology Chemistry program is a dual program that allows the student to study chemistry in all its branches: organic, inorganic, thermal, electrical, analytical, physical, laser chemistry, petroleum chemistry, natural extracts chemistry, thermodynamics, electro, aromatics, stereo, quantum, and others. He also studies everything related to the zoology, studying physiology (physiology), embryology (embryology), serology (immunology), parasitology (parasitology), histology (tissue chemistry), and genetics (genetics), Comparative anatomy of vertebrates and invertebrates, invertebrate biology, and animal ecology and behavior
work fields
Analysis laboratories
pharmaceutical companies
Water companies
Fertilizer factories
Pesticide factories
Petroleum factories
Food industries (such as dairy - meat - vegetable oils - grain manufacturing and packaging)
Blood bank, serum and vaccine centers
Research centers (National Research Center - Desert Research Center - Atomic Energy Center
In vitro fertilization and IVF
Ministry of Health laboratories
Occupational safety and industrial security
Quality control and assurance in factories (after obtaining training courses, which are available at the Scientific Syndicate)
Teaching in educational institutions